Case Study

ASI Helps Castaic High School Obtain DSA Certification


Working with educational facilities can be challenging if you do not have the correct team and expertise. Having to navigate the technical requirements of the Division State Architect (DSA) can be a daunting task for a contractor at times because of the complexity of the code regulations. In addition, Castaic High School also needed a clean look, and to feature a product that was ready for field-assembly, easy maintenance, and durability in the summer sun of Southern California. 


Luckily, our team at ASI has an extensive history working with DSA requirements and education facilities, so we were able to provide Letner Roofing & Ruhnau Clarke Associates with products that not only met the technical requirements for DSA, but also fit the specific criteria for this build. We ended up selecting the Citadel Envelope 2000 RV system which delivered a field-assembled, sleek looking system that has excellent durability perfect for a project like this that would be in direct sunlight. Additionally, we provided building envelope consultation, technical expertise, product samples, shop drawings, and accessories needed for a successful installation.


The state-of-the-art 58-acre campus just north of Santa Clarita welcomed its first students in August of 2019. Castaic High School came out looking fantastic and the exterior has held its form and style thanks to the Citadel panels providing both moisture and thermal protection for years to come.